ROMTENS Foundation
Aleea Stanila 3, 032707 Bucuresti - ROMANIA
Tel.: +40 21 637 3002
Theodor Haratau - Executive Director
Prevent - Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Rue Gashard 88/4
1050 Brussels - BELGIUM
Tel: + 32 2 643 44 75
Karla Van den Broek - Business Unit Manager
National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work - INSHT
Torrelaguna 73, 28027 Madrid - SPAIN
Tel: +34 93 280 0102
Ms Dolores Sole- Director Technical Program
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health – FIOH
Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A, FI-00250, Helsinki – FINLAND
Tel: + 358 /9 30 474 2559
Ylikoski Matti - Training Centre Director
The University of Perugia
Via del Giochetto 6, 06122, Peurgia, ITALY
Tel: +39 755 857 365
Giuseppe Masanotti - Researcher
Nofer Insitute of Occupational Medicine - NIOM
The National Centre for Workplace Health Promotion
8 Św. Teresy od Dzieciątka Jezus
91-348, Łódź - POLAND
Elżbieta Korzeniowska - Head of the National Centre for Workplace Health Promotion
Work Reseach Centre - WRC
3 Sundrive Road, Dublin 12 - IRELAND
Tel.: +353 1 4927042
Dr. Richard Wynne - Director
66 Jean Moreas, 15231 Halandri, Athens, GREECE
Tel.: +30 210 6148380
Tilia Boussios - Senior Consultant
In "Partners" section: