Welcome to the WHP-Training Website

Work Health Promotion

ELWHP is a “healthy” project which aims to provide professionals involved in Health at Work, with a blended (face to face training & e-learning) Training Course on WHP. The project also focuses at building a consensus among the specialists’ community regarding the need to have workplace health promotion within the training syllabus of both specialties involved in dealing with Health at Work (Occupational Health & Public Health).

The partners of the ELWHP project endorse the content of the Luxembourg Declaration of the European Network of Workplace Health Promotion which is stating that:

“Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) is the combined efforts of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work. This can be achieved through a combination of:

  • Improving the work organization and the working environment
  • Promoting active participation
  • Encouraging personal development”

The project is mainly targeted at occupational health practitioners and public health experts. It is also relevant for safety representatives, human resources managers and other workplace actors who may be involved in WHP activities.

The ELWHP website provides courses, bibliography, information, methods and training for OSH specialists (mainly occupational health practitioners and public health experts) and other professionals so as to enable them to develop workplace health promotion initiatives for companies they are working within.


  • 16/12/2009- The 10th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion
    Safety 2010 is a major world conference bringing together stakeholders in the prevention of unintentional injuries and violence from around the world to debate, discuss and exchange information and experiences. The key theme of the conference is Safe and Equitable Communities. This theme has been chosen to reflect the disproportionate burden from almost all types of injuries that falls on poorer communities. Such differences are apparent both within countries, between countries and even between global regions.
  • 27/10/2009- 7th International Conference on Workplace Bullying & Harassment "Transforming Research: Evidence and Practice"
    A great deal of uncertainty and ambivalence exists in many contemporary organisations and indeed in society more generally....Read more
  • 27/10/2009- 20th IUHPE World Conference on Heath Promotion
    The 20th IUHPE World Conferences on Health Promotion – Geneva 2010 – is a triennial event organized by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education and Health Promotion Switzerland.

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This project is supported through the Lifelong Learning Programme. Agreement Number: LLP-LdV-TOI-2007-BE-104

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